Viața ca un labirint | Life as a labyrinth
Author: Ioana Zaharia

Working on this project was a truly rewarding experience. The client showed great trust in my graphic design abilities, and we collaborated seamlessly throughout the book's creation. In addition to designing the cover, I was responsible for arranging the text on the page, which was an exciting challenge.

This book is just one of the many projects that I have had the pleasure of working on with this client. I look forward to sharing more of our collaborations in the future.

The story follows Anastasia, a girl who grapples with memories of the past and imagines the different lives she could have lived. As she becomes more entangled in the webs of her own mind, she delves deeper into complex philosophical questions, wondering what could have been if she had made different choices. The story is both thought-provoking and captivating, making it a pleasure to work on.

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