Forgotten Movies
Project for my bachelor's degree
The Poster Museum in Wilanów, which is a part of the National Museum in Warsaw, is the world's only museum dedicated to the poster. Its collection of over 55,000 pieces is among the largest in the world, and the museum aims to showcase the phenomenon of the Polish poster, which is renowned for its unique style and artistic quality. This style of poster making was particularly prevalent in Poland during the 1960s and 1970s, and had a profound influence on poster graphics across Europe.
To add a personal touch to my work, I drew inspiration from the artistic creations of one of my family members: my grandfather. He was an actor who appeared in numerous plays at the Nottara Theatre, also known as the Army Theatre. By incorporating his work into my own, I aimed to pay tribute to his artistic legacy while showcasing my own skills as an artist.

The period he dedicated his time to his artistic career was a rather difficult one, as not everything was allowed, even in the field of advertising. The state leadership of the time did not consider it necessary to promote products or services through advertising, perhaps also because everything was centrally planned, demand and consumption were not influenced by any kind of competition. Around 1989, advertising went into even steeper decline as production for the domestic market declined and there was a consumer goods crisis. I intend in my work not to be influenced by the old thinking that graphic designers used at that time and to try to focus on my own vision of the advertising message specific to the theatrical arts and cinema.

What I have achieved in this work was the learning I applied during my three years at university under the guidance of my coordinator. I was able to do everything I set out to do for this bachelor's degree work. The reason was the curiosity I had and still have for my grandfather's career.